This page aims to support you and others to stay safe while you’re working in the West Midlands.

Here, you’ll find contact details for organisations that can provide you with information and help if you need it.

Staying Safe

Concerns about an employer

TheCare Quality Commission’squick guide to whistleblowing or guidance for workersgives helpful advice on speaking out about poor care and what protection health care personnel will have from the law.

If you work for an employment agency, you can also call the Gangmasters & Labour Abuse Authority on 0800 432 0804 or email them at

You can also find out more information at Is the GLAA the correct enforcement body for you? – GLAA

The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas)provides advice on the legal minimum wage, working hours and employment agencies.

Any health or social care personnel who thinks that they might be being underpaid or their employer has unsafe working practices can report concerns in confidence by calling 0300 123 1100 or completing the
online form to complain about pay and work rights


Modern Day Slavery Guide

With a belief prevention is better than cure, this guide provides information on what Modern Day Slavery is, a little about the legislation itself and how to spot the signs of Modern Day Slavery.

Staying Safe: Government Guidance

Download Government guide to help you stay safe when searching for a health or social care job in the UK.